We’ve put together some information to support your parenting journey. This is relevant to everyone regardless of where you live: 

Specialist SEND Health Visitors

The Specialist Health Visiting team for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) provides targeted, timely, intensive and coordinated support to children with complex developmental needs and their families. Our support is focused on children aged 0 to 5 with additional needs.

We offer: 

  • Specialist Advisory intervention groups 
  • Emotional and wellbeing support 
  • Parent and carer support groups   
  • Advocacy 
  • Leadership and coordination of team around the child meetings. 

This video tells you more

Child health clinics

Child Health clinics are offered at various locations and your Health Visitor will give you information about all clinics and the nearest one to you. You don't need an appointment to attend a child health clinic. 

At the clinic you can talk to the member of Health Visiting team about any concerns or questions you may have and they may put you in touch with another member of the team who can help with specific support, for example with feeding, sleeping or behaviour. Details of your nearest clinic are in your red book.


All children are individual and will develop at different rates. However, to get a general idea ‘milestones’ are used to help track your child’s development and to give an indication as to whether they are progressing at a ‘typical’ rate.

You will continue to get care from the Health Visiting service until your child is 5. The Health Visiting service can offer support with area’s you or your child may be finding challenging.

Six to eight-week visits

You will receive a routine follow up home visit from your health visitor between six to eight weeks. The health visitor will be interested in your health and wellbeing as well as that of your baby, so it is an opportunity to discuss how you are feeling, coping and any concerns you have.

Health visiting resources

We’ve put together some information to support your parenting journey. They are relevant to everyone regardless of where you live: 

Developmental health review

You’ll see lots of change in your child’s development between one and two years. The health visiting team can offer help and advice on managing behaviour such as fussy eating, toilet training, sleep problems and tantrums.

A nine month and a two year contact will take place for your child. You will receive a letter inviting you to make an appointment to check your baby's progress and development.

Ages and Stages Questionnaires will then be sent to you to complete at home with your child and bring along to your appointment.

Information on Ages and Stages Questionnaires: https://agesandstages.com/

At this appointment you will have the opportunity to meet with a member of the Health Visiting Service and discuss how your baby is developing and ask any questions. Please ensure your also bring your red book to this appointment.

This video tells you more about a developmental review.