School readiness

Regardless of whether your child has already attended nursery or a childcare setting, starting school is a big change for you and your child.  Our services can help you both to make the transition easier and ensure that you are all ready to move onto the next stage of your child’s life.

This video was developed by our team in Ealing to provide patients, schools and settings with ideas to support children. This is relevant to everyone regardless of where you live.

How can schools nurses help?

The School Nursing services work in partnership with children, young people and families as well as schools and the Local Authority to ensure that pupils are supported within their school community to remain healthy and receive the right support where it is needed. 

Each school has a named School Nurse. The School Nurse runs a confidential service in schools. They can help when young people want advice or need to talk to someone about any worries relating to their health and wellbeing, as well as provide support and advice to parents or carers.  

Some reasons people see the School Nurse include:

  • Advice on exercise and healthy eating.
  • To talk to someone about stress, anxiety or bullying
  • Advice on drugs, alcohol or smoking
  • Sexual health advice and support
  • For help with managing allergies
  • Asthma support and education
  • Support in managing bladder problems, also known as bedwetting or daytime wetting.

Here some of our school nurses share their story of how they can help children

Special School Nursing

Special school nurses provide nursing care and support to learners attending special schools. Teams comprise a mix of highly skilled Nurses and other staff trained in looking after children with complex needs. 

Special School Nurses undertake a range of activities aimed at improving and maintaining the health of children and young people – to attend school, maximising opportunities, enabling each child or young person to reach their full potential.

School nursing resources

We’ve put together some information sheets with a range of websites to access information to support your parenting journey. They are relevant to everyone regardless of the borough you live in: