Posted on: 2 November 2022
CNWL have recently launched Young Adult Community Navigation services in partnership with organisations from the third sector. This provides emotional and practical support to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young adults aged 16-25.
Our newly appointed Community Navigators work with young adults to offer an individually tailored service to meet their needs. They take a holistic, non-clinical approach and support young adults with their goals, including offering help with wellbeing, benefits, housing, employment, education and access to local services.
The service is provided by local voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, and supported by CNWL.
Who is eligible?
The tables below explain who is able to access the Community Navigation service in each of the five boroughs.
How do I refer myself (as a young adult) or someone else (as a professional)?
- Most of the services enable young adults to self-refer online or by filling in and emailing one of the forms below
- For others, a GP or other professional needs to fill in a form and send this over email
Please see full details below:
Kensington and Chelsea:
Organisation | SMART |
Who’s eligible? | Anyone aged 16-25 who is registered with a GP Practice in K&C. |
How to refer? |
Contact for further information |
Organisation | OneWestminster |
Who’s eligible? | Anyone aged 16-25 who lives, works, attends school or has a GP in Westminster. |
How to refer? |
Contact for further information |
Organisation | Harrow Horizons/Barnados |
Who’s eligible? | Anyone aged 16-25 who lives, works, attends school or has a GP in Harrow. |
How to refer? |
Contact for further information | |
Organisation | Rethink Mental Illness |
Who’s eligible? | Anyone aged 16-25 who lives, works, attends school or accesses services in Brent. |
How to refer? |
Contact for further information |
Organisation | Hillingdon Mind |
Who’s eligible? | Anyone aged 16-25 who lives, works, attends school or has a GP in Hillingdon. |
How to refer? | A professional needs to fill in this form and email to |
Contact for further information | |