Posted on: 6 July 2020

From Young Healthwatch Westminster:


Young Healthwatch Westminster is a group of young volunteers aged 14-25 who are passionate about improving fellow young people’s awareness of, and accessibility to, health services in Westminster.  

An essential piece of our research is understanding young people’s thoughts on ‘mental health’ and the services that are in place. Therefore, we want you to share your thoughts and views with us to help us gather crucial information in this project.

The survey should only take a few minutes of your time. All your responses to this survey will be  anonymous and will be used to help us identify where more information and support is needed.

Complete the survey online.

We have also released a poster with specific advice about available online mental health support, and our young volunteers have reviewed some of these too.

They have also included details on what to do in a mental health crisis.

Download the poster.