This page lists the external employment services available in Hillingdon.

These services each specialise in a particular area of employment support and have their own referral systems. There are also organisations which offer access to volunteering, training for people recovering from addictions and work for ex-offenders listed at the bottom of the page.


Belina GRoW CIC are a specialist employability provider who support women, particularly mothers, who face multiple disadvantages, including those who have never worked, are long-term unemployed, have no or low qualifications, speak English as a second language, come from Black and Minority Ethnic communities, or are single mothers.

Visit their website.

Blue Sky, part of The Forward Trust, offers seasonal paid contracts to ex-offenders, plus extra training and support to help support them when their contract ends. 

  • Address: The Forward Trust, The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, London, SE11 5RR
  • Eligibility: Must have a criminal record (spent or unspent). Due to the nature of the work, people who have committed certain offences may not be employed.
  • Referrals: By completing the application form on the website or via a key worker.
  • Telephone: 01895 839 848, contact name: Minta Sakaria
  • Email:
  • Website

There are a wide range of local volunteering opportunities and roles in the area of Hillingdon, Greater London. Use this directory to find a volunteering opportunity to suit you.

H4All is a local London Borough of Hillingdon partnership operating under the charity Third Sector Together North West London (3ST) to deliver various wellbeing and community services with it's sovereign partners. H4All were founded by five prominent third sector organisations: 

Age UK Hillingdon Harrow & Brent, DASH, Carers Trust Hillingdon, Harlington Hospice and Hillingdon Mind.

Single Point of Access/General Enquiries:

The Mind at Work project aims to support individuals to access work, volunteering or training opportunities. The team will offer skills employability skills training, emotional support and mentoring.

  • Address: Uxbridge Wellbeing Hub, 40 New Windsor Street, Uxbridge UBS 2TU
  • Telephone: 01895 271559, contact Gordon.
  • Website all referrals via the Mind website.

On the Spear Programme, we help our trainees realise this potential, by coaching them with the mindset and skills they need to both get into work, and thrive once they’re there. Supporting 16-24 year olds not in education or employment.

Programme delivered in person 4-6 weeks, supporting with confidence building, developing a cv, interview support, direct contacts with employers and follow along support

Find out more on their website.

West Met Skills at Harrow, Richmond & Uxbridge College (HRUC) run a Work Programme contract for JSA, ESA and Universal Credit claimants on behalf of Reed in Partnership. It also supports unemployed people who are not on the Work Programme by providing job-seeking guidance, access to skills training courses and general employability support on a one-to-one basis, by appointment. Free training is offered for eligible jobseekers in Employability Skills, ICT, Customer Service, Retail, Warehousing and Storage, Business Administration, Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care, and Food Safety in Catering. Most training is available at the Hayes campus.

The project called SWAP Programme at the Uxbridge campus provides free training to London Borough of Hillingdon residents wanting to gain their CSCS Health and Safety Card to work in the Construction Industry. It also aims to match people with suitable construction job opportunities in the area.

West Met Skills also offer a wide range vocational Apprenticeships at different levels – to find out more about Apprenticeships please call 01895 853622 or email

Harrow, Richmond & Uxbridge College (HRUC) also offers a range of further and higher education courses. To find out more about Harrow, Richmond & Uxbridge College (HRUC) and West Met Skills’ support, please contact: 01895 853653 or email:

Address one: Uxbridge Campus: Park Rd, Uxbridge UB8 1NQ;

Address two: College Way, Coldharbour Lane, Hayes UB3 3BB

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