Open Dialogue is a community-based and integrated way of engaging with a service user’s family or social network, from the very start of them seeking help (within 24 hours of crisis). It is a psychologically consistent approach in which the majority of decision-making is carried out in a network meeting, via the people who are most important to the service user.

  • Ensuring an immediate response at the point of crisis
  • The same care professionals being involved throughout the care
  • Social network inclusive meetings
  • All clinical discussions being undertaken in the presence of the service user’s core social network, who they define themselves
  • All decisions being co-created by the service user, their support system and the practitioners to strengthen a sense of agency.

CNWL will be gradually moving towards an Open Dialogue philosophy of care, which will eventually be integrated across all mental health teams.

The Trust will be adopting an adaptation of the Finnish model by building a peer support team. However, there is scope for wider involvement as many of our staff have or have been close to lived experience of trauma.

CNWL aims to create a collaborative approach to care where staff work alongside people and their networks, rather than a top-down approach. Open Dialogue is about working “with people”, not “to people”.

Teams will be closely supported with learning and techniques of applying Open Dialogue within the treatment they offer. CNWL is also aware that each Borough or team may need individual adaptations to the method so we will continue to provide updates as this methodology is implemented.