We've made a considerable investment in our postgraduate training over the last five years and we're proud of the achievements of our trainees.
They regularly excel in examination prizes, research, quality improvement projects, national awards and prestigious appointments.
We work closely with partner training schemes to make sure our training is the highest quality. Our posts and job descriptions are reviewed regularly using trainee feedback and other quality mechanisms mapped to the curriculum.
Training opportunities are encouraged and supported by consultants and the team
- Palliative Care Trainee
Our trainers are appraised and approved and are up-to-date as educators. They provide regular face-to-face supervision to make sure trainees are supported, safe, high performing and progressing in their day-to-day clinical work. Every trainee is allocated an Educational Supervisor who will monitor and support their progress throughout the speciality programme.
CNWL is one of the best local performers in terms of making sure its trainers are fully trained, covering all GMC trainer standards.
Trainees are provided with a robust, appropriate and timely local and Trust induction within the first week of starting their post. Inductions are delivered through a combination of e-learning and face-to-face sessions.
Study leave is fully supported and funded, and is managed through QPORT – our Quality Web Based Platform. The platform makes it quick and easy to apply for approval. You will receive your login for QPORT once you start with the Trust.
At all times we make sure trainees are working within safe systems of supervision and service support. We have recently updated the Out-of-Hours Policy including strengthening handover and cover during periods of trainee sickness. When incidents occur, the Medical Education Team works closely with the Trust to support any trainees who may be involved. This includes reflection, remediation and/or commendation of notable practice to support learning – both individual and organisational.