Welcome to the CNWL Check in & Chat Service

A friendly, compassionate and supportive service for individuals who may be experiencing loneliness, isolation, exhaustion, poor mental health or who just feel they need a listening ear. The service is for unpaid carers of people who are accessing a CNWL service. They could be family or a friend.

When you access this phone service, you will get a phone call once a week for 8 weeks.  Each phone call will last up to one hour and with the same person, so you get to know them and they get to know you.

We call this person a ‘Chatter’. The Chatter is a friendly volunteer who has been trained by CNWL Recovery College and will listen with compassion, openness and ask how you are. You can speak to the Chatter in confidence about your worries and feelings. The calls will start quickly, generally in 2 to 4 weeks.

You can talk about anything you want.

  • The Chatter can work with you to find out what local services might be of benefit to you such as signposting to services, advice or practical help.
  • You can talk to them about what you are experiencing together.
  • Where you can get support from your local carers’ community, if you’re a carer.
  • How to connect with people or your interests on the internet.
  • Ways to look after your mental health and wellbeing.
  • How to learn to not feel guilty about needing a break from looking after a loved one.
  • You might just want to talk about your feelings and have someone listen.
  • Perhaps you want to chat about hobbies or work.
  • You may have an interest in exploring other cultures, languages or food.
  • Courses that will help you manage your wellbeing for example.

The service is Trustwide which means we operate in any of the boroughs and areas that CNWL covers.

You can use our service if you are:

  • a carer: an individual caring for someone who is a patient or service user and accessing a CNWL service.
  • over 18 years old.

Am I a carer? Please read our “Information for carers” page to check.

If you are a carer, you can self-refer in three ways by

CNWL Chatters are friendly trained volunteers who have a keen interest in supporting others. Every so often we will open this opportunity for members of our local communities to apply to become a Chatter. If you want to know more about what the role of a Chatter is, we have this role description.

We are not looking for Chatters at the moment, but if you are interested in this role, please email cnwl.volunteer@nhs.net expressing yoru interest and we will be in touch when the role becomes available.

If you are an existing member of CNWL staff, you can submit an Expression of Interest by emailing Karen.Rogers27@nhs.net

Support our Chatters and Carers – become a Supervisor

  • Gain supervisory experience
  • Understand the diverse needs of a carer
  • Rewarding role where you can help our volunteer Chatters grow in to their role
  • See role description online here

CNWL’s Check in & Chat Volunteer Supervisor, Elaine Singaram talks about her role in this video.

Elaine Singaram.PNG

More from our Check in & Chat service users:

“All I can say, it has really uplifted me. Really appreciate the service, I found out about it exactly when I needed it and it gave me the clarity and the support moving forwards.”

"Check in & Chat has helped me build up my own kind of shield. I know when my Chatter is going to call me. I can talk about whatever I need and I am good to go!"

"If I hadn't had Check in & Chat to support me and provide a warm, friendly ear, I don't know who I could have turned to. I would have ended up really poorly with my mental health and unable to care for my loved ones."

“My Chatter was really helpful and such a lovely person. I would be in a much worse situation if I did not have her support. I would like to be referred or signposted to somewhere so I can get more help. My time getting support from Chatter made me feel untouchable.”

“Thank you for listening. You’ve helped me see I can make time for myself.”

What our Digital Support service users say

“ … I am now using Zoom on the tablet and watching church services on Sundays. I’m 86! I really appreciate the help of the volunteer. They were so patient in teaching me, total success!”

“I’m much more confident in using a tablet now.”