Information about Westminster SEND Local Offer
To find out about all of the support services available for children, young people and their families in this area, visit this page.
Here are some examples of local organisations that you and your family might find useful. These are not CAMHS services and are therefore run independently from CAMHS.
Central London Youth Development
Working with children and young people from diverse communities. A range of programmes available, including mentoring and supplementary education.
Connexions (Westminster)
Confidential advice and guidance to young people aged 13-19 (or up to 25 if you have a learning disability) on a variety of issues including careers, employment, benefits, housing, training, education and health.
Domestic Violence Sanctuary Scheme
Confidential advice, support and information for women affected by domestic abuse.
Hungerford Young People’s Substance Misuse Services
Provide treatment and support for young people aged 18 and under who are using drugs and alcohol, or those who are at risk of doing so. This service is available across the City of Westminster in schools, colleges, youth clubs, the voluntary sector and statutory agencies.
Address: 32A Wardour Street, London, W1D 6QR
Telephone: 020 7287 8743
Marylebone Bangladeshi Society (MBS)
Aims to promote and improve the wellbeing of the Bangladeshi community in the Church Street, Marylebone and St John’s Wood areas. They provide advice and information on finance, benefits, housing, education and immigration. Activities include youth clubs, exercise classes, computer training and language classes.
Westminster Befriend a Family
Westminster Befriend a Family provides a range of support services to families in Westminster with children aged 0-18. These include health projects, swimming lessons and a weekly drop-in advice service.
There are many other community groups and support organisations in your local area that may be helpful for you and your family. Contact your local library or children’s centre for more information.
To find out about all of the support services available for children, young people and their families in Westminster, visit Westminster City Council’s Local Offer website.